Use if Function in excel updated 2022.

These details explains the best way to operate the IF-THEN function in Stick out for Microsoft 365, Stick out 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010 Stick out for Mac, and Stick out Online, in addition with a handful of examples.

Inputting IF-THEN in Stick out

The IF-THEN function in Stick out might be a effective approach to add option for the spreadsheets. It tests an condition to determine if the truth is or false then performs a specific volume of instructions while using the results.

For example, by input an IF-THEN in Stick out, you can look at in situation your unique cell is much more than 900. Whether it is, you may create the formula return the writing “PERFECT.” Whether it is not, you may create the formula return “Not Huge Enough.”

There are lots of conditions you are able to type in the IF-THEN formula.

The IF-THEN function’s syntax includes the particular function combined with the function arguments inside the parenthesis.

This is often actually the correct syntax inside the IF-THEN function:

=IF(logic test,value if true,value if false)

The IF part of the function could be the logic test. This is where you employ comparison operators to judge two values.

The THEN part of the function uses the very first comma and includes two arguments separated obtaining a comma.

The very first argument informs the part how to deal with it once the comparison is true.

The second argument informs the part how to deal with it once the comparison is fake.

A Simple IF-THEN Function Example

Just before to harder calculations, let’s consider a simple illustration showing an IF-THEN statement.

Our spreadsheet is decided with cell B2 as $100. We are in a position to input the following formula into C2 to indicate when the value is larger than $1000.

  • =IF(B2>1000,”PERFECT”,”Not Huge Enough”)
  • This function can get the following arguments:
  • B2>1000 tests when the value in cell B2 is larger than 1000.
  • “PERFECT” returns the word PERFECT in cell C2 if B2 is larger than 1000.
  • “Not Huge Enough” returns the term Not Huge Enough in cell C2 if B2 is not larger than 1000.
  • The comparison part of the function compares 3 values. Either of people two values might be:
  • Fixed number
  • A string of figures (text value)
  • Date or time
  • Functions that return the above mentioned pointed out
  • A reference around the vacation cell inside the spreadsheet that contains these values
  • The Specific or FALSE part of the function might also return these. Meaning you may create the IF-THEN function very advanced by embedding additional calculations or functions there (see below).

When inputting true or false conditions within the IF-THEN statement in Stick out, you can utilize speech marks around any text you have to return, unless of course obviously clearly clearly you employ TRUE and FALSE, which Stick out instantly recognizes. Other values and formulas don’t require speech marks.

Inputting Calculations For the IF-THEN Function

You are able to embed different calculations for that IF-THEN function to complete, based on the comparison results.

In this example, one calculation allows you to calculate the tax owed, based on the total earnings in B2.

  • The logic test compares total earnings in B2 to discover be it greater than $50,000.00.
  • =IF(B2>50000,B2*.15,B2*.10)
  • In this example, B2 is not larger than 50,000, therefore the “value_if_false” condition will calculate and return that result.
  • In this situation, that’s B2*.10, that’s 4000.
  • It seems sensible devote cell C2, where the IF-THEN function lies, will likely be 4000.
  • You may even embed calculations for the comparison side inside the function.
  • For example, if you want to estimate that taxed wages are just 80% of total earnings, you can customize the above IF-THEN function for the next.
  • =IF(B2*.8>50000,B2*.15,B2*.10)
  • This may perform calculation on B2 before evaluating it to 50,000.

Never enter a comma when entering figures inside the thousands. Because Stick out interprets a comma since the finish within the argument within the function.

Among embedding calculations inside a IF-THEN function in Stick out.

Nesting Functions Inside a IF-THEN Function

You may even embed (or “nest”) the primary reason inside a IF-THEN function.

This allows you to certainly perform advanced calculations then compare the specific results in the expected results.

In this example, let’s for people who’ve a spreadsheet with five students’ grades in column B. You can average individuals grades while using the AVERAGE function. Based on the class average results, you may have cell C2 return either “Excellent!” or “Needs Work.”

For this reason you’d input when-THEN function:

  • =IF(AVERAGE(B2:B6)>85,”Excellent!”,”Needs Work”)
  • This function returns the writing “Excellent!” in cell C2 once the class average is finished 85. Otherwise, it returns “Needs Work.”
  • As you can see, inputting the IF-THEN function in Stick out with embedded calculations or functions allows you to certainly certainly create dynamic and highly functional spreadsheets.
  • Embedding other functions within the IF-THEN function in Stick out.

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